Juan Rafael Guadamuz Rueda
Director Partner
Juan has a degree in Public Accounting, graduated from the Private Autonomous University of Nicaragua (formerly Higher Education Centre) since 1975 and recognized by the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) in 1980.
Juan Guadamuz Rueda also has a Master degree in Integral Auditing issued by the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua, and a degree as Specialist in Audit Processes issued by this same University in 1995.
Additionally, he has a postgraduate degree in International Financial Reporting Standards with emphasis in Finance issued by the Nicaraguan University of Sciences and Technology (UNICYT) issued in 2013. Juan is an Anti-Money Laundering Certified Associate (AMLCA) by the Florida International Bankers Association in collaboration with Florida International University, specialized in Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
2.- Current occupation:
Director Partner of the Firm of Certified Public Accountants and Legal Representative of HLB – GUADAMUZ RUEDA, MARTÍNEZ & CIA. LTDA.
3.- Professional experience:
Independent Public Accountant. Juan has worked in Public Accounting Firms since 1974, in firms of national and international prestige, such as:
• JULIO LINARES & ASOCIADOS, (1974/1976) who represented the firm TOUCHE ROSS & CO in Nicaragua as Senior Auditor;
• FEDERICO COSSIO F., & CIA. who represented in Nicaragua the firms HORWATH & HORWATH, and COOPERS & LYBRAND, Audit Supervisor. (1976/1980); (3)
• ARMANDO MEJIA & ASOCIADOS (1980/1981), as Seniro Auditor and Supervisor and
• BLANCO BLANCO & ASOCIADOS (1981/1988) Senior Auditor and Supervisor. His professional experience includes: Nicaragua and some other countries like Honduras, Guatemala and Cuba.

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